53 Results based on your selections.
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl chemicals are everywhere—in our homes, our clothing, the personal care products we use and in our bodies. Postdoctoral researcher Amber Hall explains the dangers PFAS pose, especially to developing humans, and offers suggestions for avoiding them.
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News from SPH

Symptoms of a Warming World

Fusing public health with environmental science, new faculty at Brown are pioneering methods that reveal how climate change is threatening our health. Together, they’re finding solutions.
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News from SPH

Heavy Metal

Firearms are dangerous, but their ammunition holds a silent threat: dangerously high levels of lead. Brown doctoral student Christian Hoover teams up with Professor Joseph Braun to examine the connection between guns and elevated lead levels in America’s children and adults.
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Picture a coal power plant: a building with tall smoke stacks with big plumes of gasses coming out of them. By now, we know that those gasses aren’t great for our health or the environment. But how bad are they? That’s where Professor Cory Zigler comes in.
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What is the cost of homelessness in Rhode Island? Do we measure it in dollars, hours, square footage? Or is it measured by sleepless nights, persistent coughs, uncertain futures? The reasons Rhode Islanders remain unhoused are varied, but the results are the same: marginalization and the fight to keep a stable footing.
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Popular Science

Seriously, stop microwaving your food in plastic

Inside your refrigerator and pantry, plastic is everywhere. There’s plastic wrap, storage bags and bins, clamshell takeout containers, beverage bottles, and condiment tubs, of course. Plastics (synthetic polymers) are also a component of the multi-layer material that make up chip bags and encase granola bars. Tin, steel, and aluminum cans, like the type that might hold beans or a soda, are lined with plastic. Even many paper products, such as paper cups and frozen food trays, are coated in–you guessed it–plastic.
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Most of us know that lead exposure is bad for our health. To protect us, especially children, the US hasn’t allowed lead in gasoline, house paint, children’s toys, dishware or jewelry for decades. But there are a few places where lead has stuck around. Today we’re taking a look at one of the least well known, and most stubborn sources of lead exposure in the US - guns and ammunition. 
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Brown University leaders Ashish K. Jha and Kim Cobb discuss the intersection of climate change and people’s health, the challenges of our information ecosystem, and how the University’s collaborative efforts are fostering innovative solutions and preparing future leaders.
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News from SPH

Health Care’s Carbon Problem

Despite being on the front lines of the climate crisis, the health care sector is also one of the greatest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. A new study from Brown researchers looks at these decarbonizing efforts across the globe.
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MPH student Rosemelly Jimenez Medal's father has worked as a short-haul trucker for over 25 years, and she noticed that he was struggling to hear conversations at dinner. So Jimenez Medal teamed up with her father and noise researcher Erica Walker, RGSS Assistant Professor of Epidemiology at Brown University, to conduct hearing screenings on short-term truckers in California.
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The second installment of the Pandemic Center’s “Our Storied Health” series highlights environmental injustice in the American South, and explores the potential of storytelling to advance public health.
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News from SPH

Behind the Lectern: Erica Walker

As founder and leader of the Community Noise Lab, Professor Erica Walker develops practical tools to help people advocate for healthier neighborhoods, and explores how social disparities and environmental exposures harm communities.
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Fighting Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is a physical and mental stressor with real health impacts, Professor Erica Walker tells NPR. "It's going to the emergency room for a panic attack, it's 'I can't sleep,' 'I can't hear my children.' It's all of those things," she says.
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News from SPH

Back to the Land

Summer Gonsalves MPH’19 is a member of the Narragansett Indian Tribe and an advocate for environmental justice.
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News from SPH

Idea Pioneer

Epidemiologist Erica Walker returns home to study the environmental quality of Jackson, Mississippi.
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News from SPH

Professor Joe Braun Appointed Center Director

Joseph Braun, RN, MSPH, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Epidemiology, has been appointed the Director of the Center for Environmental Health and Technology (CEHT) in the School of Public Health effective January 1, 2020. Dr. Braun succeeds Gregory Wellenius, Ph.D. who has served in this role since 2018.
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News from SPH

Time Is Running Out

At a precarious time for the planet, Brown’s Center for Environmental Health and Technology is working to promote resilient, sustainable, healthy communities.
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News from SPH

Faculty in Focus: Joseph Braun

Joseph Braun, MSPH, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Epidemiology: Linking environmental exposures and children’s health.
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News from SPH

Confronting Climate Change

The Senator from Rhode Island is passionate about acting on climate change and protecting our environment. As a founder of the Senate Climate Action Task Force he is fighting for smarter solutions.
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News from SPH

Brown Is Green

Brown University has a unique role in contributing research, fostering innovation, and in providing a model for environmental sustainability to the greater Providence community and beyond. The University strives to contribute to building a clean, just, and responsible global environment.
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When we think about recent environmental disasters, Flint, Michigan’s water quality crisis quickly comes to mind. But the Great Lakes State has another pollution problem that is less well known outside the state.
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