Admission & Aid

The journey toward a life-changing education in public health begins here.

Our postgraduate application process is designed to identify individuals who are dedicated to making a difference in the field of public health. We welcome applications from all backgrounds and experiences.

We understand that financial considerations are crucial and Brown offers a range of scholarships and financial aid options to support our students in pursuing their academic goals. Through our scholarship programs, we strive to make education accessible to deserving individuals who demonstrate exceptional potential and commitment to public health.


Student to Faculty Ratio

We ensure our educational experience is tailored to our students

27 %

Students from Historically Underrepresented Groups

Our students join us from all walks of life

20 %

International Students

Our students come from around the world

A snapshot of what makes our public health graduate programs different.
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Plan your educational journey and learn about our unique scholarship opportunities.
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Ready to take the next step? Start your application today.
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