Prospective Students

Considering a career in public health? Learn more about our program requirements, application deadlines, and other relevant information.

Brown offers a rigorous educational experience to all of out students—from undergraduates to doctoral candidates. As you select schools to apply to and assemble your application, the following links may be helpful to you:

At a Glance

A snapshot of what makes our public health graduate programs different.
We offer doctoral, master’s and undergraduate paths of study, allowing students at every level to embark on a transformative academic journey.
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Ready to take the next step? Start your application today.

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Student Stories from the School of Public Health

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Swearer Center

Student Spotlight: Batool Behnam

Batool Behnam, Graduate Assistant with Swearer Center’s community partnership team and current master's student at Brown’s School of Public Health, is concentrating on Global Health and graduating this Spring 2024. Through research, teaching and community services, Behnam’s dream is to reduce inequalities among communities.
This is the third article in Unmasked, a series by undergraduate Chris Walsh ’25.5. With a mix of personal perspective and research analysis, Unmasked addresses the public health value of greater openness and self-advocacy around autism.