Dean Jha addressed the School of Public Health at this annual fall event, showcasing the school’s impact by sharing the stage with members of the school’s community, including student, staff and faculty speakers.
Bart Hearn, a Brown undergraduate concentrating in public health, earned the prestigious Obama-Chesky Voyager Scholarship and spent his summer researching HIV/AIDS interventions abroad.
A study by public health researchers at Brown University found that decriminalization of drug possession was not associated with an increase in fatal drug overdose rates in Oregon.
Most of us know that lead exposure is bad for our health. To protect us, especially children, the US hasn’t allowed lead in gasoline, house paint, children’s toys, dishware or jewelry for decades. But there are a few places where lead has stuck around. Today we’re taking a look at one of the least well known, and most stubborn sources of lead exposure in the US - guns and ammunition.
With a commitment to community engagement, the public health graduate student and aspiring physician is spending her summer helping underinsured Rhode Islanders access protective health care.
With over half of America’s doctors now employed by large health systems rather than physician-owned practices, a team of Brown researchers is examining how this trend toward consolidation impacts health care costs, patient access and market competition.
With the approach of fall and cooler weather across the United States, officials say the risk posed by the H5N1 bird flu virus could rise — and they’re taking steps to prevent the creation of a hybrid flu virus that could more easily infect humans.
The Food and Drug Administration on Thursday approved the new Covid vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna. It’s the third time the vaccines have been updated to match circulating strains since the original series. The shots should be available within days. The agency hasn't yet approved a third vaccine, from drugmaker Novavax.
Through a balanced emphasis on research and hands-on practice, our master’s programs equip public health scholars with the skills to drive policy change and make a positive impact on the well-being of communities, both locally and globally.
Join us in Providence for a rigorous training program that will teach you to conduct research, bring about policy change, and positively affect the health of populations in Rhode Island and beyond.
Brown's Accelerated MPH for Clinicians is a fast-paced, in-person program designed to deliver an academically rigorous and comprehensive public health education to professionals with prior medical or clinical health care education.
We educate students to become statisticians trained to work in modern data science environments with expertise in theory and methods of statistical inference and modeling, knowledge and experience with tools of data science, and a well-developed skill set in computer programming, strong communication skills and experience working collaboratively.
At the intersection of data and health lies a highly dynamic and rapidly expanding field in need of skilled leaders—biostatistics. Explore our Online Master of Science (Sc.M.) in Biostatistics, Health Data Science Concentration.
The Brown University School of Public Health’s rigorous doctoral training involves active partnerships with faculty mentors and the execution of innovative research. Full funding is guaranteed, including tuition, healthcare and stipend, for up to five years of graduate study.
This doctoral program offers training in research methods to advance knowledge of issues central to the improvement of population health by focusing on organizational characteristics of health care delivery systems, providers and economic forces that shape consumer and provider behavior, as well as the policy environment in which these relationships exist.
This program provides the training necessary to carry out independent research in theory, methodology and application of statistics to important problems in biomedical research, including research biology, public health and clinical medicine.
Offered by the Department of Behavioral and Social Sciences, his degree program allows students to learn to employ behavioral and social science theory and methods to understand and address contemporary health problems.
Emphasizing a learning-by-doing approach, this rigorous program offers highly-qualified applicants the opportunity to gain training in public health and public policy to prepare them to address critical health policy issues in the United States and throughout the world.
The 5-year integrated Undergraduate/MPH (UG/MPH) degree is a rigorous program in professional public health education open to Brown undergraduates of any concentration.
Home to four academic departments and a growing number of cutting-edge research centers, Brown's School of Public Health has earned its place among the top 10 recipients of funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
With hundreds of annual peer-reviewed publications and a robust portfolio of federal grants, our researchers contribute invaluable knowledge to the scientific community, influencing policies and practices that shape public health.
Standing at the forefront of today's most important public health issues, Brown is spearheading vital initiatives that will shape the future of the field.
Our People, Place & Health Collective works directly and collaboratively with members of the community, advocates, and policymakers to conduct substance use research that pairs rigorous epidemiological methods with broad, accessible communication.
Taking aim at misinformation and disinformation online, our Information Futures Lab is where technology, innovation, policy and community meet: one pilot at a time.