To promote partnership between local community members, organizations and researchers at Brown, the School of Public Health has established new research awards, with inaugural funding for projects impacting Rhode Island’s children and older adults.
Elizabeth Burke Bryant, a champion for children’s health in Rhode Island and beyond, will be professor of the practice of health services, policy and practice.
The Elizabeth Burke Bryant Hero Award recognizes individuals who have had a profound influence on the well-being of children and families in Rhode Island.
From reading, to healthy eating, to athletics, children in Central Falls, Rhode Island are benefiting from collaborative community projects funded by the Hassenfeld Institute.
As a Hassenfeld Summer Scholar, Afsharian is researching the connection between language and health outcomes – and using her multilingualism to improve the health of families.
Launched five years ago with an ambitious vision, the Hassenfeld Child Health Innovation Institute is bringing together researchers, physicians, students and community partners to transform children’s health in Rhode Island and beyond.
The Catalyst Grant Program supports work that builds outward from existing strengths to deepen and broaden the School’s research program around the four themes identified in the Strategic Plan: Mental Health, Resilience and Mindfulness; Environmental Health and Climate Change; Vulnerable Life Stages: Children and Older Adults; and Addiction. We are proud to fund the following projects:
It’s about making a difference in the lives of countless children around the world. It’s also about making a difference in the lives of those who live right here in Rhode Island.
With a gift of $12.5 million from the family of retired Hasbro Chairman and CEO Alan Hassenfeld, Brown will establish the Hassenfeld Child Health Innovation Institute to accelerate progress on the urgent health needs of the smallest state’s smallest residents.