On February 25, the documentary film “PUSHOUT: The criminalization of Black Girls in Schools,” which considers the issues of race, education, and social and judicial disparities disproportionately affecting black girls, was screened. The film inspired a vibrant discussion on how partnership and collaboration with leaders and young people in Providence can promote the resilience of Black girls, and on how to use our combined skills to address structural inequities that affect their health and wellbeing.
On February 28, the School of Public Health hosted a live webcast of the University of North Carolina’s 41st annual Minority Health Conference, including the keynote delivered by LaTosha Brown, co-founder of the Black Voters Matter Fund. Health service research doctoral student Shekinah Fashaw, who spearheaded organization of the webcast for the 3rd year, was joined by discussants Professor Jennifer Nazareno and Eric Jones, doctoral student in Africana studies.
Speaking about her office’s robust suite of programs, initiatives, and training, Professor Caroline Kuo, Associate Dean of Diversity and Inclusion for the School of Public Health, said “these continued efforts allow us to connect with each other in meaningful ways that build an inclusive community.”