Garrett Stang

PhD in Behavioral and Social Health Sciences
Undergraduate University of North Carolina Wilmington
Graduate Medical University of South Carolina


Why did you choose the Brown University School of Public Health?

I was blown away by the innovative research at the SPH, especially in the world-renowned Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies. Moreover, there was a perfect research and faculty mentor match that I could not find anywhere else. I was given the opportunity to collaborate with and learn from leading experts and pioneers in my area of interest. I was confident (and still am!) that obtaining my PhD in BSHS from the SPH was the best investment I could make in my professional career.

What makes Brown's program different from other programs you considered?

Easy, the people! My interactions with the people at the SPH were unmatched compared to other programs I applied to. This is one of the most collaborative institutions that fosters a sense of community well beyond the standard in academia. Moreover, Brown provides one of the most competitive stipends for doctoral studies in the country AND guarantees funding for five years; no other public health program I considered could match that support.

What do you enjoy most about your program?

Again, the people! We all come from different backgrounds and offer unique perspectives on complex public health issues. The BSS faculty and students foster a collaborative community that inspires the next generation of public health researchers and practitioners. Not a day goes by that I do not learn something new in this program, whether from a faculty member or peer.

What is your academic area of interest and why?

I am a community health educator by training, so I have always been drawn to the question, "Why do people do or do not perform health-related behaviors?" To answer this question, I must be able to apply behavioral and social health science theory to various health problems. Ultimately, I aim to translate my research into improved clinical outcomes through a community-centered translational science infrastructure that encourages best practices for engaging vulnerable populations.

What are your postgraduate goals/plans?

I plan to complete a postdoc at an academic health science center with an NCI. I will continue researching substance use treatment pathways along the HIV/AIDS care continuum, ideally emphasizing implementation science on HIV/AIDS-related cancer prevention and control. I am also looking forward to teaching!

Why Providence?

Being from a small town in rural NC, I consider Providence the "big city!" But don't worry, other students at Brown from NYC, Boston, and Philly quickly corrected me, haha. So, I feel it's safe to say it's a city with 'small town' vibes – there is a great sense of community here, even outside of Brown and the SPH.

What advice would you give to a prospective applicant?

Remember to be yourself in your personal statement and interview! Please don't write what you think the admissions committee wants to hear. If you know this program is right for you, express that enthusiasm, passion, and determination wherever and whenever you can - show them who you are and what kind of colleague you will be!