Ashley Sanchez (she/her/ella)

Undergraduate Marquette University (BS Biological Sciences & Spanish for the Professions, minor in Interdisciplinary Latinx Studies)
Graduating Class 2024


Why did you choose the Brown University School of Public Health?

I chose Brown University School of Public Health because of its research opportunities, phenomenal professors, and current students. As an undergraduate student, I attended webinars offered by the School of Public Health to learn more about the programs, Providence, and to hear from current students. Students in these webinars relayed their passion for their work and a welcoming atmosphere of wanting each other to do well.

What makes Brown's program different from other programs you considered?

I think what makes Brown’s program different is its mission statement, “Learning public health by doing public health.” I find this impactful because it allows us as students to apply what we learn in the classroom within the real world through research opportunities, assistantships, our APE, and thesis. For example, for my first year in the MPH program, I had an assistantship with the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) and was able to apply quantitative and qualitative skills I learned in the classroom.

What do you enjoy most about your program?

I enjoy learning from and working with the people I’ve met here at Brown SPH. Students and faculty come from all over the U.S. and the world to learn and teach, which demonstrates their commitment to the future of public health.

What is your academic area of interest and why?

I’m interested in cancer research focusing on prevention, control, and survivorship within Hispanic and Latino/a/x communities. My mom inspires my work in public health and my research interest; over 10 years ago she was diagnosed with breast cancer and is now a cancer survivor. During undergrad, I thought cancer research was only conducted in a lab setting, but had an internship that exposed me to community engaged research. This led me to pursue my MPH focusing on Health Behavior to continue researching and developing programs that can improve the health outcomes of underserved and underrepresented communities.

What are your postgraduate goals/plans?

Upon graduation, I intend to continue gaining experience in cancer research before applying to PhD programs in behavioral and social sciences.

Why Providence?

I chose Providence because I grew up in and attended undergrad in the midwest and wanted to explore the east coast. If you’re also from the Chicagoland area, let me know! Providence and nearby neighborhoods such as Fox Point have amazing restaurants, sites, and are within walking distance. Through my work here, I’ve come to learn that since Rhode Island is such a small state, we all connected in one way or another, which I think speaks to the close knit community here.

What advice would you give to a prospective applicant?

I’m a first generation undergraduate and graduate student, so I understand that the application process can be scary and difficult to navigate, which is why it’s important to ask questions and advocate for yourself. Send professors, administrators, and student ambassadors questions you have - we’re here to help!